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The dem module handles the pre-processing of bathymetric/topographic data.


  • extent

The geometry's extent could be provided. In the most simple case that is a lat/lon box that defines the area of interest. Otherwise the full dataset will be used. This might be problematic for large files e.g. global datasets, especially when the file is retrieved from a url (see below).

Without loss of generality we select below Iceland as a test case.

# define in a dictionary the properties of the model..
extend = {
    "lon_min": -25.0,  # lat/lon window
    "lon_max": -9.0,
    "lat_min": 56.0,
    "lat_max": 74.0,
  • source

The Dem class supports all the functionality of xarray. Thus the dem_source argument can be:

Local file (or list of files) :

This could easily be defined as e.g.

source = '/path/to/file/'

A number of formats are supported, namely geotiff, grib, netcdf, zarr, etc.


For relative small areas an erddap server could be used e.g.

url = ""


This option would work only for small extents. For large areas (continental/global) using a previously locally stored file is advised.

  • Coastlines

The resolution of dem datasets is usually lower that the corresponding ones for coastlines.

Since the coastlines are the boundary for the mesh generation, it makes sense to have them matched to the bathymetric data.

pyposeidon tries to facilitate that (by default) when you provide a coastline dataset as argument. This can be negated by setting adjust_dem = False in the arguments.

There are a number of available datasets for coastlines. One option is to use the cartopy features as:

# use cartopy to get coastlines
import cartopy.feature as cf
import geopandas as gp

cr = "i"

coast = cf.NaturalEarthFeature(
    scale="{}m".format({"l": 110, "i": 50, "h": 10}[cr]),

ne_i = gp.GeoDataFrame(geometry=[x for x in coast.geometries()])

for natural earth or

# use cartopy to get coastlines
gi = cf.GSHHSFeature(scale="intermediate", levels=[1])
iGSHHS = gp.GeoDataFrame(geometry=[x for x in gi.geometries()])

for the GSHHG dataset.

The coastlines argument could also be a shapefile. Generally, whatever format geopandas reads should work.

Retrieve dem Dataset

We can combine the info into a dictionary as

dic = {"geometry":extend, "dem_source":source, "coastlines":iGSHHS}

and retrieve the Dataset with

import pyposeidon.dem as pdem
d = pdem.Dem(**dic)


xarray is using dask for a lazy read and all data will be loaded into memory when needed.

Resample on Mesh

In order to create a model, bathymetric data need to be interpolated on the corresponding mesh. If such a mesh is given, bathymetric data on the x,y nodes can be provided as

d = pdem.Dem(**dic, grid_x = x, grid_y = y)

Output to file

Once the dataset is produced, it can be stored in the solver's appropriate format. This is relevant for solvers that read the bathymetry in a separate file (as is the case for D3D).

pdem.to_output(d.Dataset,solver_name='d3d', rpath='./test/')