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The top module that handles the main setup of the instance.


A number of parameters is provided by the user :

  • solver_name: Select the solver to be used e.g. schism.
  • geometry: In the most simple case that is a lat/lon box that defines the area of interest.
  • coastlines: A coastlines GeoDataFrame or shapefile providing boundaries to the mesh.
  • mesh_generator: Set the backend for creating a mesh e.g. jigsaw.
  • start_date: timestamp that the simulation starts.
  • time_frame: Duration of the simulation after the start_date. Alternatively one can set end_date.
  • meteo_source: Source for atmospheric data for forcing the model.
  • dem_source: Topobathy Dataset.

All necessary info can be incorporated into a dictionary as

dic = {
    "solver_name": "schism",
    "geometry": {"lon_min": -25, "lon_max": -12.0, "lat_min": 56.0, "lat_max": 74.0},
    "coastlines": "/path/to/coastal/shapefile.shp",
    "mesh_generator": "jigsaw",
    "start_date": "2017-10-1 0:0:0",
    "time_frame": "12H",
    "meteo_source": ["/path/to/meteo/file.grib"],
    "dem_source": "./path/to/dem/",

Having all the attributes defined, the model can be initiated as

import pyposeidon.model as pm
b = pm.set(**dic)

Executing the model can be done incrementally or in one step. The steps involved are:

b.create() # constructs all required parts e.g. mesh, dem, meteo, etc.
b.output() # save to files # saves the json model reference file
b.set_obs() # setup station points # execute

or in one step as


The various datasets incorporated into the model can be accessed independently as attributes, namely :

b.meteo.Dataset # forcing
b.mesh.Dataset # mesh
b.dem.Dataset # bathymetry
b.coastlines # cooastlines used


The output of the simulations could be in separate files (due to mpi). These files can be integrated into a single Dataset with

b.get_output_data() # integrate output

and the data are available as # output Dataset


If a model is created by pyposeidon there is a json file that describes the model. This file serves as a signature for the specific model. It can be used to easily reproduce the results by reading the file into pyposeidon and executing it as

a ='./path/to/schism_model.json')
a.execute() #execute it again

When a model is created by other means, it can still be incorporated into pyposeidon with

c = pm.set(solver_name='schism', rfolder = './path/to/folder/',
            load_mesh=True, load_meteo=True)