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In order to develop pyposeidon you need:

  1. Binary dependencies like e.g. python, gdal, proj. Additionally you will need solvers like schism and d3d and mesh generators like jigsaw and gmsh.
  2. A bunch of runtime python dependencies like numpy, xarray and matplotlib.
  3. Some python dependencies that are only useful during development, like poetry and pytest.

There are multiple ways to install all these. We are only going to suggest two of them:

Install everything via conda

In the locks directory there is a bunch of conda lock files. Choose one of the dev ones that matches your Operating System and use it to create a new conda environment.

As an example, the following command will create a new conda environment named pyposeidon_dev and will install all the pyposeidon dependencies.

conda create -n "${env_name}" --file conda-ubuntu-64-p38-mpich-full.lock
conda activate "${env_name}"

Binary deps via conda + PyPI

Alternatively, you can choose one of the binary lock files and use it to create a base environment with just the binary dependencies. After you create the environment you should use poetry to install the python dependencies.

conda create -n "${env_name}" --file conda-ubuntu-64-p38-mpich-binary.lock
conda activate "${env_name}"
poetry install -E all

You are ready to go!


You can use pytest to run the tests. Since the datasets required for testing pyposeidon are substantial in size, they will be downloaded once you invoke pytest for the first time.

In order to execute the main test suite, it should be enough to use:


In order to also test the solver integration, use one of the following:

pytest --runschism
pytest --rundelft
pytest --runschism --rundelft

Some test are slow and can be invoked with

pytest --runslow

If you are using a local installation for the solvers, please specify the PATH to the executables in your system such as:

export SCHISM = '/path_to_schism_executable'


export D3D = '/path_to_delft3d_bin_folder'
export LD3D = '/path_to_delft3d_lib_folder'