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There are a number of ways to install pyposeidon and its dependencies.

With conda

The easiest way to get started is to install the pyposeidon package from the conda-forge channel:

conda install -c conda-forge pyposeidon

This will pull all necessary dependencies and is the recommended way to integrate pyposeidon to your environment.

If you don't intend to use the visualisation modules of pyposeidon then, you may install the pyposeidon-base package, instead, which is quite a bit lighter:

conda install -c conda-forge pyposeidon-base

With PyPI

In order to install from PyPI please note that your system needs to have:

  • python=3.8
  • geos
  • gdal=3.2.1
  • proj<8
  • eccodes

Once you have those, you just need to run:

pip install pyposeidon

If you intend to use the visualisation modules, then you should install the necessary libraries with:

pip install pyposeidon --extras viz


Depending on which modules you intend to use you might need to install additional non-python dependencies (e.g. jigsaw, gmesh for mesh generation, schism, delft3d for numerical solving etc).

Solver integration

pyposeidon supports the following solvers:


Support for schism is more mature.

The easiest way to install them is to use conda:

conda install -c gbrey pschism
conda install -c gbrey delft3d4

There are two flavours depending on the mpi option used. This can be explicitly selected with e.g.

conda install -c gbrey pschism=5.9=mpi_mpich_*
conda install -c gbrey pschism=5.9=mpi_openmpi_*

Alternatively, you can download and compile them for your system:

  • Delft3D can be downloaded from deltares.
  • SCHISM can be downloaded from github.

Mesh generation binaries

When installing pyposeidon via PyPI the mesh generation binaries are required and can be installed with conda:

conda install -c conda-forge gmesh
conda install -c conda-forge jigsaw

Currently Jigsaw and GMSH are supported.